Therapeutic Massage
Reduced energy and stress are huge causes of disease and our bodies and minds are affected when we neglect our health by not eating, or exercising properly, or not giving ourselves time to relax and rejuvenate. In this situation, our cells are fighting for survival all the time. These symptoms can improve and significantly reduce, or disappear when you give yourself time to recuperate.
Therapeutic massage is relaxing and creates a feeling of health and wellbeing. It helps to reduce muscular spasms produced by emotional, physical and mental tension. Massage improves circulation and muscle tone and creates a deep sense of relaxation, as well as improving concentration, clearing the mind and renewing our energy. Before exercising massage can reduce the risk of an injury as it warms the muscles. After exercise, a massage can remove lactic acid, which prevents tired muscles.

If you suffer from tension, muscle ache, poor sleep, or just want time for yourself then my aim is to improve the way you feel. Massage is a great therapy used to improve both physical and mental wellbeing.
What can I expect in my Treatment Session?
The massage treatment will begin with a consultation which may take up to 15 minutes (online, face-to-face at the beginning of the session, or by phone). We will note your medical history and see how you would like to benefit from the treatment.
The treatments are practised on a massage table in a calming relaxed environment. Depending on your treatment and your comfort you will be asked to remove items of clothing and will be covered with towels apart from the area that is to be massaged.

Myofascial Release Massage
Aftercare Advice
Reasons to withhold treatment
if you are unsure about your health and what effects a massage may have, please discuss this with me first, as advice from a medical professional may also be needed before treatment can take place.
Treatment should not be followed through when:
you feel weak and may be clinically exhausted
if you have consumed drugs, or alcohol within 12 hours
flu, or fever with temperature
contagious/infectious diseases, or skin conditions.
It is important that you seek medical approval before booking a massage treatment for the following conditions;
History of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Heart conditions (including high, or low blood pressure)
HIV or Aids
Sometimes there may be situations when only one part of the body is affected with a health issue and massage can be formed on the rest of the body. The areas may be;
The abdominals during the first three months of pregnancy
Contagious diseases (athletes foot, eczema, dermatitis)
Varicose veins
Major, or minor surgery (within last 18 months)
Recent fractures, sprains, or strains
A hernia, allergies, sunburn, scar tissue, oedema
Abrasions, pain, bruising, or inflammation
Bespoke Therapeutic Massage
This is a relaxing and invigorating therapy where your is intensely nourished with grapeseed oil. The therapist will adapt the massage pressure and techniques to suit your needs.
Gliding and kneading strokes are used, along with other techniques to release muscular stress and physical tension, leaving the body and mind feeling revived and renewed.
Therapeutic massage: improves the body’s circulation, releases muscle tension, stretches tight ligaments, reduces emotional stress.
Therapeutic Massage is often advised for stress management programmes.
Treatment can include head, face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs, foot massage.
£50.00 for 60 minute massage
£65.00 for 90 minute massage
Keep hydrated – increase water intake. This will help to detoxify the body.
Reduce stimulants – i.e. alcohol, coffee.
Have some relaxing time after the treatment.
Have a warm bath with Epsom salts – this soothes muscles and reduces stress.
You may also find you experience certain reactions to the treatment which are healthy for your body, although can feel uncomfortable. These reactions don’t last long and reduce over time. It may be that you feel sleepy, emotional (due to letting go of tension), have increased urination as the body releases toxins. There may be aching and soreness in the muscles (muscular tension release)
You will also feel warm, due to improved circulation, more relaxed, have an uplifted mood and improved sleep.​
The term "myofascial" originates from the words ‘myo’ meaning muscle and ‘fascia’ referring to the thin, connective tissue that surrounds muscles and other structures in the body.
Myofascial release massage, often used to treat chronic pain and muscle tightness, is a therapy that focuses on relieving tension and pain in the muscles and the connective tissue (fascia) that surrounds them.
The therapist uses gentle, sustained pressure on tight, or knotted areas to ease pain, improve movement, and release deep seated muscle restrictions in the fascia. This promotes overall body relaxation and flexibility.
£55.00 for 60 minute treatment